Looking back at the project, I am pleased to some degree of what I produced and achieved however there is always room for improvement. Firstly I would of maybe chosen a different avenue to explore “ELearning” and solely concerted on either learning difficulties or the language barriers.

Initially I idea was to create a media product that could assist young children with either a learning difficulty or a young person who struggling with the language barriers with the hopes of getting the parents and the school more involve via technology. Looking back at my final product, there isn’t much elements that would off formed a strong working bond with parents and schools.

I wanted to create a product that would have been much help to relatives when growing up, I have a personal encounter with having a learning difficulty and my older siblings learning English in year 6. My older sister started to learn English in year 6 as we just migrated from Somali, speaking to her she spoke about the difficulties she faced whilst in school and the one thing that stood out for me is that she felt frustrated because she was given work at a lower grade just because she didn’t speak English. That made me think what is the root of this, and we both agreed that just because you don’t speak the language it doesn’t take away from you knowing the answers just in a different language. This notion was what I based my product behind.


Morever, as I personally suffer from a learning difficulty I often lack confidence in educational settings. For example growing up when the teacher used to ask the most dreaded question that wants to read out the first paragraph. Being dyslexic reading and writing has always been a challenge for me and being asked to read out loud did nothing but knock my confidence. So looking back at this project I really should of dedicated a page for the users to speak about their personal shortcomings such a chat forum. Speaking to other individuals who may be going through the same issues could somewhat act like a support system.

I really enjoyed the challenge of designing the interface and the adverts, I really wanted to make a simple application that is easy for anyone to use. The colour scheme was carefully throughout to ensure it was visually appealing but also research shows that people who suffer from a learning difficulty are more likely to retain information with the use of colours.

Overall, I believe that I completed the project to the best of my abilities but would loved of explore the possibility of adding a chat forum so that the user can gain confidence. With that being said I believe that I listen to the findings of market research and implemented then correctly. Doing so has given me the skills to adapt to any given scenario.

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