

“Technology Has The Power To Transform Education. It Is Essential To Bring It Into The Classroom To Empower Learning”.

This post will explain my understanding of how ” Fun-2-Learn” app can help my intended target audience. It will also consist of things i have learnt about my target audience.



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I decided to do research on the effects of “learning difficulties” and what can be done to help them. Having an learning difficulty can cause many external problems scubas:

Social skill- ; making new friends.

Motivation- a lack of wanting to learn

Emotional Problems- it can cause the child to have low self esteem.


In addition, I was able to see different types of learning difficulites such as ADD and Dyslexia. What stood out to me whilst i was doing my research, is that some learning difficulties can co-ocur with other disorders, but can go undetected as they seem to have some similarities in symptoms


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Once learning the different types of learning difficulties a child may face, I then went on to find out what types of programmes are available to them. The findings of my research will help me understanding what is available so i can hopefully create an app that will acts as a support using todays technology


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After completing the research i was able to identify that children learn in all different ways and at different levels.


“Because people learn in different ways and at varying levels, there are naturally children who need alternative instruction. Some adjustments that can be made using online classes are the amount of time kids have to complete assignments, the depth of explanations and the degree of attention students receive. Faculty Focus highlighted some of the most striking benefits of online education such as more compassionate working relationships, the ability for instructors to adjust instruction based on the students’ needs, increase one-on-one interactions and having an open channel of communication.”  (Roz, March 21, 201) 


” Beetham (2007) argues that people learn more effectively when they:

  • are active
  • are motivated and engaged
  • can bring their existing capabilities into play
  • are appropriately challenged
  • have opportunities for dialogue
  • receive feedback
  • have opportunities for consolidation and integration”


It is evident that E-Learning has a good impact on children and can act as a resolution of the problem they may be facing. Using E-Learing can promote the gain of confidence, improve their social skills and motivation. These where the common effects of external issues these children faced because of their learning difficulties. Having an E Learning App whereby it will make learning more effective to students who have learning difficulties using bright colours and some techniques used in the different types of accommodation available at school. Such as using audio, a film to explain things.


Sites Used:

10 reasons why eLearning is essential for students!

How E-Learning Can Help Students With Disabilities
















From using the above list I am able to come up with different idea’s that use some of the above techinques  and incorporate  them into my proposed idea.

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